En improvisationskurs för dig som är ny till,eller har viss erfarenhet av, improvisationsteater. Kursen introducerar grunderna i improvisationsteater och arbetar med improviserade scener.
Kursmål & studieresultat
Efter avslutad kurs kommer deltagaren att behärska improvisationsteaterns grundläggande principer och därigenom enkelt kunna genomföra improviserade scener med hjälp av de medel och verktyg som introducerats under kursens gång.
​A course in improvisation for those who are new to, or have some experience with improvisational theatre. The course introduces the basics of improvisational theatre - we will work with games, exercises, and improvised scenes. After completing the course, participants will know the fundamental principles of improvisational theatre and will be able to easily perform improvised scenes using the techniques and tools introduced during the course.
The course is held entirely in English.
During the course, we will work on the following elements:
• Focus - Active listening and awareness
• Group Play - Make your fellow players look as good as possible
• Scene Work - Accept, expand, and deepen the content of the scene
• Spontaneity - Have fun with risk and embrace mistakes without trying to be funny
• Character - Understanding status, ambitions, and relationships
• Establishing a Scene - Relationship, activity, environment, building a basic reality
• Scene Structure - Discover, react and act
• Short Form - Introduction to various techniques and formats
Mondays 18:00-20:30
October 21st - December 9th 2024 -
8 sessions
The course sessions consist of light warm-ups for the body and focus exercises, followed by improvisation exercises in smaller groups, half-group, and whole-group settings.
Course requirements
No prior experience is required for the Basic Course
Study hours: 20, 8 sessions
Spots: 15
Location: Sprakateatern, Salagatan 24 Uppsala
Cost: 2200 kr
The registration is binding. For a refund of the course fee, cancellation is required no later than two weeks before the start of the course.